Opening Doors. Connecting Communities.



A Stronger Alameda County






Green Energy


Mental Healthcare



+ A Stronger Alameda County + Housing + Healthcare + Green Energy + Mental Healthcare + Accountability


A Track Record of Collaboration

As Vice Mayor of San Leandro, Surlene worked with advocates and a diverse group of stakeholders to spearhead the city’s ordinance requiring the inclusion of affordable housing in the development of all new residential housing, doing her part to turn the tide on the Bay Area housing crisis. Oakland has yet to establish this type of requirement.

As Chair of the Alameda County Housing Authority, Surlene advocated for accessible housing across the county and worked with vulnerable communities to prevent families from becoming homeless.



A Lifetime of Service

With the new century, Surlene ushered in change as the first African American City Councilmember in San Leandro. Surlene brought new voices into the city’s administration and worked to make sure City Hall reflected the diversity of the community. In response to local hate crimes and racist activities, Grant co-founded Unity in the Community San Leandro, a coalition of residents who work to eliminate racism and bigotry in the city. She has been the convenor of the group for the past 6 years.

As a Board Member of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce and Co-Founder of the San Leandro African American Business Council, she advocated for small businesses and worked to create a healthy local economy. As a small business owner, Surlene partners with local government and nonprofits to build broad community coalitions around local housing and infrastructure projects.

To honor her legacy of collaboration and innovation, San Leandro city leaders named the city’s latest community meeting space after her—the Surlene G. Grant Community Meeting Room.



Always Rooted in Community

Surlene is trusted by community and business leaders from all of District 3’s communities—Oakland, San Leandro, Alameda and San Lorenzo.

Leaders recognize Surlene’s leadership. She is endorsed by:

  • Three San Leandro Mayors & Ten Current & Former San Leandro City Councilmembers

  • The Presidents of the Alameda County Board of Education, Ora Loma Sanitary District & Eden Health District

  • Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

  • State Senator Liz Figueroa (ret.)

  • Chamber of Commerce Leaders & the Director of the Bay Area Business Roundtable

  • Civic & Environmental Leaders from Oakland, San Leandro, Alameda and San Lorenzo

“Surlene has been a change agent helping to bring San Leandro into the 21st Century. I’m confident she is the person who can build the coalitions necessary to tackle tough issues like the Bay Area housing crisis, transportation, and the health and safety of our community.”

— San Leandro Mayor Pauline Cutter

Surlene’s Priorities

  • Housing for Everyone

    Expanding access to housing of all types, including affordable apartments, single-family homes and the “Missing Middle” — duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes.

  • An Environment for Change

    Protecting our environment by prioritizing renewable energy and nature conservation, creating more parks, and developing complete streets for better transit, walking and biking.

  • Health & Safety for All

    Promoting health and safety for all by establishing more effective mental health services, forming non-police responses to psychiatric and homeless emergencies, and ensuring public safety, transparency and accountability.

Vote by June 7!

Contact Surlene



Join #TeamSurlene!

We are always doing something: Eden Township Health Center, Unity in the Community-San Leandro, Black Women Organized For Political Action (BWOPA). If you are interested in any of these activities, let us know.